The Best GF Bread Products

Something I wish I had known when I was first diagnosed was the best bread products. After trying a few I eventually cut out bread for a year as I never found it enjoyable. And then I started to shop in Asda. This is when I found some bread that I actually enjoyed a bit more, and then I discovered Promise.

I asked my followers what brand was their favourite for bread, and the most common answer was Promise, and I couldn’t agree more. Promise was a game changer for me and I actually began to eat sandwiches and toast again!

So, my list of GF bread brands for you, starting with the best at number 1:

  1. Promise (Sourdough, white, seeded)
  2. Warbutons (Tiger bread, sliced rolls and bread)
  3. Supermarket Own branded bread rolls (especially M&S tiger rolls and white rolls)
  4. New York bakery bagels 
  5. Genius 
  6. BFree
  7. Schar 
  8. Supermarket own branded sliced bread 

Pitta Bread:
  1. Bfree Pittas
  2. Genius Pittas

  1. Warbutons 
  2. Genius


My personal favourite wraps are the Tesco Own Branded wraps, I have found these the most enjoyable. However, I asked my coeliac followers what brand they preferred for wraps so heres the majority of answers.

  1. Tesco Own Brand
  2. Old El Paso
  3. Warbutons
  4. BeFree
  5. Schar

I hope this makes your journey and lifestyle easier! Let me know if you have any other suggestions by contacting me through my instagram!