University and GF/Coeliac Disease

What can the university help you with?! 

So, I have been to two universities and have two different perspectives and experiences. Every university is different and some are more accommodating than others. 

My first experience was at Sussex university and the support there was amazing! I found out about a DSA (Disabled Student Allowance) from my flat mate who had IBS. The DSA meant they had discounted her accommodation due to the medical need for an ensuite. This made me think, the only reason I wanted an ensuite was due to the embarrassment and situations which could arise where I needed the toilet urgently.

So, I applied for a DSA and after asking my GP to complete a form which states my health problem affects my every day life, I was granted with a DSA. 

So the stages for a DSA

1. Apply on student finance for a DSA

2. Explain your health issue 

3. You will receive a form which your GP will have to fill out 

4. Once this has been filled out you’ll be granted a DSA 

5. Then the disability advisor will contact you to arrange a meeting regarding your needs and requirements

6. Then you can contact your university housing/accommodation office and explain the situation. They will provide a discount for the ensuite due to your medical requirement. *You don't have to have an ensuite accommodation to apply for a DSA, you can live in shared and still apply.

7. The disability advisor will go through your medical condition and figure out what additional support they need to put in place for you. 

For example at Kent university I had an inclusive learning plan which outlined criteria and a list of options for disabled students which I discussed with the disability advisor. From my meeting I was given 25% extra time in all exams, you can also get extensions on your coursework deadlines too (dependent on situations and may be a limit on how many you can get per year).

(Any questions or advice message me on instagram at GFtogetherr)

I must say please don’t feel embarrassed by having a DSA, a lot of the time people won’t understand and think ‘You just have an allergy, how can you get extra time etc’, they won’t understand coeliac, so just ignore any negative comments. At the end of the day we know our bodies best and I struggle with brain fog still and in those situations it is so hard to complete uni work to the best standard and can take longer to complete assignments. So you’re entitled to a DSA for a reason! 

Parking Permits

When I was at Sussex I was able to get a parking permit for having coeliac disease and due to going home often too. However, Kent university did not accommodate this even though Sussex did when I lived on campus. So, in that situation every university is different with how they accommodate you. 

Therefore, each university will differ with the support they choose to offer you. There is no consistency in what they offer. Most universities will only give you a permit depending on how far away from campus you live, however some are more accommodating. For example, public transport like buses are not always the most convenient, due to not having toilets and taking longer than a car journey to get to places. To overcome this, Sussex university offers a taxi paid for if you are having a flare up/ experiencing symptoms. Also mental health is often something which they will provide support for as well as parking permits. For example there can be anxiety around public transport with coeliac disease.

Accommodation tips

  1. Apply for an ensuite as you will get discounted for having to have an ensuite so you won’t pay as much! I think I had around £2,000 discounted off mine and then £1,700 when living on campus at both universities! 
  2. Toaster bags!! Most universities will only provide 1-2 toasters and to save you buying your own go on amazon and buy toaster bags to decrease cross contamination! 
  3. Buy your own toaster, I decided to do this due to Kent not even providing a toaster! So I kept it in my bedroom so no one else would use it! 
  4. Be open with your flat mates, let them know you have coeliac. Educate them, ask them to keep their surfaces clean especially if any of them are using flour or baking! 
  5. Do not be embarrassed by having coeliac! You’re not alone and it's more common than you think! 
  6. Coeliac doesn’t make you ‘difficult’! Do not ever feel guilty for having coeliac disease!

Any questions or knowledge around other universities please feel free to message me on instagram !