University Kitchen Essentials From My Experience

University can seem super scary, especially if you’ve recently been diagnosed. I had only been diagnosed for not even a year when I went to university so I was still learning! 

So, during my first year I began to discover things which I needed to get as a coeliac!

1.    Toaster bags, if you have 1 toaster between 8 people,I recommend getting toaster bags. I will link them at the bottom! OR what I didin my second year was I got a cheap toaster from Argos which I just kept in my 9room so I would have no risk of cross contamination!

2.    Tupperware, this is a must! From my experience neither university Coops sold gluten free sandwiches and therefore I ended up either snacking on unhealthy things during the day or starving. Plus, it is so expensive to shop at the university Coops. The cafés also had no gluten free options so having Tupperware means you’re able to bring food with you for the day (just means organising yourself a bit more). But trust me you will appreciate being organised and getting up earlier to be able to eat properly! I also recommend cooking more pasta than you need for dinner and having it the next day for lunch to save time! Check my TikTok of B&M bargains for university products!

3.    Colander, this is a must and people forget these a lot. So, make sure you bring one and do not share it with others to reduce contamination risks.

4.    Pizza tray, another item people always forget and will be asking to borrow, so just make sure you have your own.

5.    Resealable bags, keeps your food safe and is helpful for freezing food etc.

6.    Tea Towels & Cloths, make sure you have your own. Do not share because there is a risk of cross contamination. Make sure youhave your own cloths to wipe down surfaces before cooking.

7.    Smoothie blender, this isn’t an essential, but I found it helpful as I would make smoothies with protein powder for breakfast.




Tupperware Tiktok
